What is Better U?
Better U is an educational arm of CFC to equip God's people with skills and knowledge to better themselves, their families, and their community.
At Better U, you can own your spiritual growth, improve your quality of life, develop deeper relationships and most importantly realize God's promises. There will be series to help with real life circumstances.
So, if you want to be a Better U, sign up for classes, space will be limited. Hope to see you there!
Better U is offering the following series:
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Biblical Principles
Do you have a job description? Have you mastered the work of your career? Maybe you have a hobby you have invested considerable time to enhance ease and enjoyment. This is how it should be with your Daily Living or Christian Walk. Gerard and Patricia Denis want to explore ways to help you spend time with God, share God with others, and enhance your walk as a Christian with greater engagement in the church. With the Bible as your blueprint, they help you "intentionally" create a roadmap to applying Biblical Principles to our daily lives.
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Blended & Blessed: The Smart Stepfamily
Do you belong to or are you on the path to becoming a blended family? If so, Blended & Blessed: The Smart Stepfamily Curriculum is for you! In this 8-part series, Antone and Makema Massey will guide you through the seven fundamental steps to blended family success with practical, realistic solutions to the issues you may face with a stepfamily. Discover how to communicate effectively and solve the everyday puzzles of stepfamily relationships
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DivorceCare is for anyone who is separated, divorcing, divorced or thinking about divorcing or ending a long term relationship. Jason & Tiana Brown will host a 13 week course designed to promote healing so that we can move forward in life being BETTER and not BITTER. You'll learn to see yourself the way God sees you, and find ways to navigate the changes in your life and to help your children.
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Financial Wellness
Are you tired of walking a tightrope with your finances? Are you afraid to open mail, emails, or even answer your phone? Do you have more month than money? Consider Financial Wellness with Rev. Jerome and Min. Darlene Richardson and learn how to apply money management and financial principles to your life. Financial Wellness is more than a series, it's a lifestyle; it's God's way.
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Ramara Shackelford will host GriefShare a 13-week Christ-centered program that helps people apply biblical principles as they deal with emotions and life stresses following the death of a loved one. She will provide a deep level of care to grieving people and provide biblically sound advice and guidance for navigating grief.
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Do you pray regularly? Are your prayers intentional? Are your prayers effective? Please join Drs. Dora and Michael Mays as they journey through an eight week series on prayer. They look forward to teaching and helping you grow and deepen your prayer life.
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His Needs, Her Needs
If you want to transform your relationship, please join Pastor Quincy and First Lady Jennifer Stratford for His Needs, Her Needs. They will help couples meet their needs for affection, intimacy, conversation, and companionship. As couples walk through this series together they will remember why they fell in love, renew their commitment and rediscover their passion. Sign up and strengthen your relationship.